Accepted Papers
Nathan Backman (Brown Univesity), Ugur Cetintemel (Brown Univesity) and Rodrigo Fonseca (Brown University). Managing Parallelism for Stream Processing in the Cloud
Ant Rowstron (Microsoft Research, Cambridge), Dushyanth Narayanan (Microsoft Research, Cambridge), Austin Donnelly (Microsoft Research, Cambridge), Greg O'Shea (Microsoft Research, Cambridge) and Andrew Douglas (Microsoft Research, Cambridge). Nobody ever got fired for using Hadoop
Malte Schwarzkopf (University of Cambridge) and Steven Hand (University of Cambridge). Bringing the cloud down to earth
Masoud Saeida Ardekani (UPMC - LIP6), Marek Zawirski (INRIA & UMPC - LIP6), Pierre Sutra (INRIA & UPMC - LIP6) and Marc Shapiro (INRIA & UPMC - LIP6). The Space Complexity of Transactional Interactive Reads